
← Back to 13 JR.
Cast Size: Large (21 or more performers)
Cast Type: Children

Character Breakdown

Evan Goldman

Evan Goldman is facing a lot of big life changes: not only are his parents divorcing, but he’s also moving from New York City to Appleton, Indiana, right before his thirteenth birthday. Since Evan is Jewish, this is a big birthday, considering he will finally get to have his Bar Mitzvah. Evan is a good-hearted kid who gets wrapped up in his excitement over his party and makes some less-than-stellar choices. Though Evan is going through a lot and a bit high-strung, he’s smart and resourceful and ultimately does the right thing.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: C4

Patrice has big dreams of getting out of her small town. She’s clever and a bit shy and marches to the beat of her own drum – but, unfortunately, these qualities make her an outcast at school. Patrice must have the most dramatic range, both as an actor and a singer, of any female in your show.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: Ab3

Patrice’s best friend. Archie walks on crutches due to his muscular dystrophy. He has a dark sense of humor and a general sense of urgency about living his life to the fullest, which includes going on a date with Kendra.

A note about Archie: it’s important to talk with your actor, and the whole cast, about muscular dystrophy and how the disease can affect someone’s life, especially if the actor playing Archie isn’t disabled.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: A5
Vocal range bottom: B3
Brett Sampson

The stereotypical “cool guy” – he’s athletic, commands a squad of minions, and is “not quite as bright as a postage stamp.” In addition to not being very bright, Brett isn’t a very nice person, although he finds himself in a genuine emotional dilemma over his feelings for Kendra.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: C6
Vocal range bottom: E4

Part of Brett’s entourage.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: C4

Part of Brett’s entourage.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: G5
Vocal range bottom: E4

A cheerleader.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: C5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3

A cheerleader.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: C4

The most popular girl in school and is generally oblivious to how much attention other people are paying to her – she’s happy to work on her cheerleading and clueless when she’s included in the plots of others. Though, like Brett, Kendra may not be the smartest kid in school, unlike him, she doesn’t fall back on bullying and meanness – she’s genuinely nice, if somewhat shallow and a bit naïve.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: C5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3

Kendra's best friend. The quintessential “mean girl.” She’s manipulative, dishonest, insecure, and unapologetic – although Evan is nicknamed “The Brain,” Lucy is the one pulling all the strings at the junior high.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: F#3

One of the girls at school and quick to defer to Lucy. She is happy to gossip about the drama, though she’s never quite in the middle of any of it.

Gender: female
Vocal range top: C#5
Vocal range bottom: F#3

Part of Brett’s entourage.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3

Part of Brett’s entourage.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: B4
Vocal range bottom: Bb3
Guy 1

Part of Brett’s entourage.

Gender: male
Vocal range top: B4
Vocal range bottom: G4

The ensemble for 13 JR. is comprised of the rest of the kids at school (Teenagers, Boys, Girls, Kids, and Guys in the script).

The "Thirteen" soloists' vocal range is shown below

Vocal range top: Ab4
Vocal range bottom: A3